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Nothum management

The Road to 50 Years and the Map to the Next

09/03/21 | Kierstin Holland

Nothum first opened its doors in September of 1971 with an idea that would completely revolutionized the food processing industry. Here is how our journey started...

“It all started with an idea. Some may call it a dream, but we called it a vision.“

The journey is never easy, especially when it is a family owned business. Many are known to give up early because of hardship and family conflicts. When looking back over the last fifty years there is one thing that comes to mind…”a vision”. 

Not just any vision, but a map that would guide us down the road for multiple decades. Early on the vision was to become the market leader in coating and cooking equipment. We quickly realized that this was a stretch due to our limited knowledge of the process. Oftentimes, it took more capital than our pockets could carry. We constantly found ourselves scrambling to come up with money to pay team members, but we always managed to find a way. 

Long days… long nights… day after day, week after week, and year after year became the norm for us. There were many failures mixed with many successes. Just like any company, you learn from your mistakes and continue to move forward.

There are several key values that have created Nothum into the company it is today. Those consist of the following:

  1. Always take care of the customers, no matter the situation.  
  2. Always support your teammates, no questions asked. 
  3. It isn’t all about the MONEY. 
  4. Be original in your innovations. 
  5. Most importantly.. Never give up! 

Working within a family business has its moments. Many times my father, the founder, and myself, the second generation son, would find ourselves in knock down drag out arguments. Then ten minutes later go to lunch as if nothing happened. 

Today as a second generation father working closely with my third generation sons; spats happen, but we choose to focus on the bigger vision at play and we are able to stay close as a family. My sons bring blood, sweat, and tears; along with fresh ideas and talent to the table. They and others are raising the 4th generation to carry on the legacy and to keep the vision alive.

To all our teammates, their spouses, and families; Nothum is here today because of you. We never could have achieved those accomplishments and goals if it was not for you. We see your dedication and we thank you for your hard work through the years. 

As for the next fifty years, our plan is to keep a clear vision in front with short and long term goals. Take care of our most important assets – our customers and team members. Always listen, always create something different … and always have a “Can Do” culture. NEVER. GIVE. UP! 

– Bob Nothum, CEO